
This page lists the software available in Penn State Labs computer labs and classrooms for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

  • CLM — installed on every computer
  • CLM (Optional) — made available to IT departments (installed at the discretion of local IT staff)
  • UP/GP — installed on University Park general-purpose computer labs and classrooms
  • Virtual — installed on WebLabs virtual computer lab desktops

Important: The software on this page is for computer labs participating in Cooperative Lab Management (CLM), a Penn State IT service for University IT departments at Penn State. Please verify with your local IT department that this list applies to your location; your local IT department may have its own list of additional specialized software. Additional software resources are available at

Last Updated: 1/23/2025

Software TitleVersionPlatformDeployment
7-Zip23.00.00Windows, VirtualCLM
ActivePerl5.10.0Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC24.005.20320Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC24.005.20320Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM
Adobe After Effects25.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Animate24.0.5macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Audition25Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Bridge15.0.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Character Animator24.6macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop6.4.0.359Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Dimension4.0.3macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Dreamweaver21.4.0.15620Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Illustrator29.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe InCopy20.0.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe InDesign20.0.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Lightroom CC7.5macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Lightroom Classic13.5.1Windows, macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Media Encoder25.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Photoshop26.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Premeiere Rush2.1macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Premiere Pro25.1Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Adobe Substance 3D Designer2023macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Substance 3D for Maya2023macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Substance 3D Painter2023macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Substance 3D Sampler2023macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe Substance 3D Stager2023macOSCLM (Optional)
Adobe XD57.1.12.2macOSCLM (Optional)
Amazon Corretto17.0.12Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Amazon Corretto JRE8 update 372Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Apache NetBeans IDE (Amazon Corretto 17)18Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Apple iTunes12.12.9.4WindowsCLM
Audacity3.5.1.0Windows, macOSCLM,CLM (Optional)
AutoDesk AutoCAD25.0.58.214Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil3D2024WindowsCLM (Optional)
AutoDesk Inventor Pro2024WindowsCLM (Optional)
Autodesk Maya2025macOSCLM (Optional)
Autodesk Mudbox2025macOSCLM (Optional)
Autodesk Revit2024WindowsCLM (Optional)
Avidemux2.8.1Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Blender4.1.1Windows, macOSCLM (Optional)
Cambridgesoft ChemDraw Pro22.2 (tbd)WindowsCLM
Climate Consultant6macOSCLM
Cricut Design Space8.37.56macOSCLM (Media Commons)
Dassault Systems SolidWorks Education Edition x642023 SP2.1Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Dia0.97.2WindowsCLM (Optional)
dotPDN Paint.NET5.0.6Windows, VirtualCLM
Eclipse 2023-06 IDE for C++4.28Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Eclipse 2023-06 IDE for Java EE4.28Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Eclipse IDE4.33.0macOSCLM
ESRI ArcGIS Desktop_10.8.2Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
ESRI ArcGIS Pro3.1.2Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
FIJI ImageJ2.15.1Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Flow Simulation Calc 985.3Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Freedom Scientific Fusion2023.2302.6WindowsCLM (Optional)
GIMP2.10.38Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Google ChromeLatestWindows, macOSCLM
Google Earth Pro7.3.6.9345macOSCLM (Optional)
GP XMing6.9.0Windows, VirtualCLM
Handbrake1.8.1macOSCLM (Optional)
IBM SPSS AMOS28.xWindows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
IBM SPSS Statistics29.0.2.0Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Inkscape1.3.2Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Ipswitch1.12.1WindowsCLM (Optional)
IZArc4.5WindowsCLM (Optional)
jEdit5.6.0WindowsCLM (Optional)
Kurzweil 300022.07WindowsCLM (Optional)
LizardTech, Inc. ExpressView Browser Plug-in5WindowsCLM (Optional)
LyX2.3.0Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
MacTeX2024macOSCLM (Optional)
MathWorks MA_TLAB macOS24.1.0macOSCLM (Optional)
MathWorks MATLAB x64R2023aWindows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Microsoft DefenderLatestWindows, macOSCLM
Microsoft Edge (Chromium)LatestWindows, macOS, VirtualCLM
Microsoft Excel16.89.24091630macOSCLM
Microsoft FSLogix Agent2.9.8440.42104WindowsCLM
Microsoft Office Professional Pl_us 64-bit_2021Windows, VirtualCLM
Microsoft OneNote16.89.24091630macOSCLM
Microsoft Outlook16.80.23121017macOSCLM
Microsoft PowerPoint16.89.24091630macOSCLM
Microsoft Project Professional _2021Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Microsoft Remote Desktop10.8.4WindowsCLM
Microsoft Remote Desktop (macOS)2327macOSCLM
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio19.1WindowsCLM
Microsoft Visio Professional _2021Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Microsoft Visual Studio Code1.93.1Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Microsoft Visual Studio Community2022Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Microsoft Windows Essentials 20122012WindowsCLM
Microsoft Word16.89.24091630macOSCLM
MiKTeX21.7Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Mozilla FirefoxlatestWindows, macOSCLM
MuseScore 44.3.2macOSCLM (Optional)
OneDriveLatestWindows, macOS, VirtualCLM
Poll Everywhere3.0.1macOSCLM (Optional)
PSPad5.0.7WindowsCLM (Optional)
PuTTY0.78Windows, VirtualCLM
PyCharm CE2024.1.1macOSCLM (Optional)
Python 3.10 (MacAdmins Python 3.11)
QGIS-LTR3.34.11macOSCLM (Optional)
R4.4.0macOSCLM (Optional)
RunPerl5.10.0Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
SAP GUI8.0 PL1Windows, VirtualCLM
SAS Statistics9.4Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Sassafrass KeyServer Client8.0.0.6Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM
Scribus Team Scribus1.6.2Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
SimBiotic SimUText2.18.0WindowsCLM
Sound Studio 44.10.1macOSCLM
SuperCollider3.13.0macOSCLM (Optional
The Unarchiver4.3.8macOSCLM
Top Hat6.3.3Windows, VirtualCLM
Veusz3.6.2macOSCLM (Optional)
VideoLAN VLC3.0.21Windows, VirtualCLM
VNC Viewer7.5.1WindowsCLM (Optional)
VueScan9.8.04macOSCLM (Optional)
Webex (ARM and Intel Versions)
WEPA-PrintApp/Popup Utility2024.8.19Windows, macOSCLM (Optional)
WinAmp5.62.1WindowsCLM (Optional)
WinDirStat1.1.2Windows, VirtualCLM
Wolfram Research Mathematica14.0.0.9612308Windows, macOS, VirtualCLM (Optional)
WordWeb10.33Windows, VirtualCLM (Optional)
Zoom Video ConferencinglatestWindows, macOSCLM